Monday, May 16, 2011


The reflections of silang nou silang upou is very profound and universal meaning for us the community of Kiput. Our Fore Father is very Genius indeed because they understand the meaning of SATU MALAYSIA long before we do.When i recalled the word Kiput than i realise that our community is the real example of 1 malaysia why because our community is made up of ,Chinese,Indian,Kayan,Kenyah,Kelabit,Lun bawang, Bisaya, Melanau,Bidayuh,Philipinos,(orang Putih) Berawan,Kedazan, and many more which i can't remember. When they pass on the motto of Silang Nou Silang Upou, the meaning and the isness of it is beyond our explanations. I am very proud to be one of Kiput community.


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